FAQS - General Information Singapore Hotel

Hotel Miramar

General Information

What is the voltage used in Singapore?
Local voltage for usage of electrical appliances is from 220volts to 240volts.
What kind of pin and plug do you use in Singapore?
Singapore uses the G type plug and socket. Please refer to the website link below for image specifics. https://www.power-plugs-sockets.com/wp-content/plugins/power-plugs-sockets/img/type_G.jpg
Does the hotel provide universal adaptor?
Yes, our hotel provides universal adaptor and is subject to availability.
Is it safe to drink tap water in Singapore?
Yes, it is safe to consume water from tap sources. However, we do provide bottled water in our rooms as well.
How far is the nearest hospital to the hotel?
The nearest government hospital, Singapore General Hospital, is approximately 10 minutes from hotel.
Private hospitals namely Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital are about 15 minutes from our hotel.
Where is the nearest bank or currency exchange?
Our hotel provides foreign currency exchange services. Please approach our Reception for assistance.
The nearest money changer outside our hotel premises is at Great World City Shopping Mall, or Chinatown, or Tiong Bahru Plaza.
What is the local currency?
The local currency used is Singapore Dollars.
What are the operating times of your local banks?
Bank opening hours in Singapore varies. Most banks are opened from 1000 hours (10am) to 1500 hours (3pm). Banks located within shopping malls may operate from 1100 hours (11am) to 1900 hours (7pm). Please contact the respective banks of your choice for more information.